
Challenges of Product Analytics in the Era of Generative AI

Vuong Ngo
#product analytics#AI#MLOps
full stack analytics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables businesses to offer intelligent, adaptive, and intuitive solutions that cater to individual user needs, enhancing user experience and driving efficient, data-driven decision-making. Key features of AI-powered products include automating routine tasks, personalising interactions based on user behaviour, predicting future trends, deriving intelligent insights from complex data, and learning continuously to improve their functions over time. Additionally, AI's capability to process and understand human language and dynamically adjust to user feedback allows for the creation of sophisticated, responsive products that remain relevant and effective in meeting evolving customer demands. This blog will delve into the various characteristics of AI products, the impact of these features on business operations, and the ongoing challenges and advancements in AI technology that shape the future of digital interactions and analytics.

Table of Content

  1. Aspects of an AI Product
  2. AI Inherent Challenges
  3. Understand Product Analytics
  4. Challenges of Product Analytics in Measuring AI Products
  5. Case Study — Chatbots in Healthcare
  6. Conclusion

1. Aspects of an AI Product

Definition and Characteristics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising business operations by automating tasks, personalising user experiences, and providing predictive insights across various industries. These capabilities enable AI to deliver intelligent, adaptive, and intuitive solutions that meet individual user needs and drive data-driven decision-making. Here are a few characteristics regarding to AI powered products:


AI-powered products leverage machine learning algorithms to automate tasks and processes that were traditionally performed by humans. This automation increases efficiency, reduces human effort, and enables organisations to scale their operations. Examples include chatbots that provide automated customer support, recommendation systems that personalise content or product suggestions, and automated data analysis tools that generate reports and insights.


By analysing user data and behaviour, AI algorithms can make intelligent predictions and recommendations tailored to each user’s needs and interests. Personalisation improves user engagement, increases customer satisfaction, and drives conversion rates. Examples include personalized content recommendations on streaming platforms, targeted advertisements, and customised product recommendations on e-commerce websites.

Predictive Capabilities

AI models have the ability to analyse large amounts of data, identify patterns, and make predictions about future outcomes. This allows organisations to make data-driven decisions and take proactive actions. AI-powered predictive capabilities can be applied in various domains, such as demand forecasting, fraud detection, health monitoring, and predictive maintenance in manufacturing industries.

Intelligent Insights

By analysing patterns, trends, and correlations in data, AI algorithms can provide meaningful recommendations and insights that help businesses optimise their strategies, improve decision-making, and identify new opportunities. These insights can be used to improve product features, enhance customer experiences, and drive innovation.

Natural Language Processing

AI products often incorporate natural language processing (NLP) capabilities, enabling them to understand and process human language. This enables features such as voice assistants, chatbots, language translation, sentiment analysis, and text summarisation. NLP allows users to interact with AI products using their natural language, enhancing user experiences and enabling seamless communication.

Continuous Learning

AI models can learn from data and improve over time through a process known as machine learning. By analysing and adapting to new data, AI products can continuously update their models and algorithms, ensuring that they remain accurate and effective. This continuous learning enables products to evolve, adapt to changing circumstances, and improve their performance.

Adaptive Behaviour

AI products can dynamically adjust their behaviour based on user feedback and real-time data. By incorporating machine learning algorithms, products can learn from user interactions and adapt their responses or recommendations accordingly. This adaptability enhances user experiences and ensures that products remain relevant and effective in meeting user needs.

The combination of these AI product characteristics allows businesses to create intelligent and innovative solutions that cater to individual user needs, automate processes, and leverage data-driven insights for decision-making.

User experience and modality

As AI technology integrates more deeply into everyday tools and services, understanding how users interact with AI systems becomes crucial. The user experience encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products. The modality of interaction plays a significant role in shaping this experience, affecting not only user satisfaction but also the efficiency and effectiveness of the AI system.

Modalities refer to the channels through which AI systems and users exchange information. Common modalities in AI products include textual interfaces (chatbots), voice-driven systems (virtual assistants), and visual-based interactions (augmented reality). Each modality offers distinct advantages and poses unique challenges in design and functionality.

As AI continues to advance, the integration of multimodal systems is likely to increase. These systems combine two or more modalities, such as voice and touch or text and visuals, to provide a more cohesive and interactive user experience. Additionally, the consideration of ethical implications in AI UX design, particularly related to privacy, consent, and transparency, will become increasingly important.

2. AI Inherent Challenges

As organisations continue to incorporate artificial intelligence into their products and services, the demand for accurate and reliable insights grows. ML Ops, with its focus on observability, offers solid methodologies to ensure the accuracy and dependability of insights produced from the backend. Let’s explore this aspect further to understand its significance and limitations.

Addressing Bias and Interpretability

In the scope of ML Ops, addressing bias and enhancing interpretability in AI systems is vital for creating trustworthy and effective systems. AI models may unintentionally reinforce existing biases or generate new ones if the data is biased or if the decision-making processes are not transparent. To counter these issues, it is crucial to use diverse datasets that more accurately reflect user demographics. Enhancing interpretability, which entails understanding the reasoning behind AI decisions, is key for stakeholders to make informed modifications to AI strategies, improving both fairness and outcome effectiveness.

In LLM observability, the need for clarity becomes even more acute. LLMs, used in generating text or supporting decision-making, handle vast amounts of complex data which can obscure how conclusions are reached. Making these models interpretable requires practices such as ensuring model transparency — revealing the inner workings of neural networks — and explainability, which involves justifying model outputs in terms understandable to humans. These measures are essential not only for identifying and amending biases but also for building user trust and complying with regulations.

Additionally, continuous monitoring of AI model outputs in product analytics and LLMs is essential for detecting and addressing shifts in model behaviour over time. Such observability is crucial to sustain the integrity and relevance of AI applications in changing environments. Tools and frameworks that allow for real-time analysis and visualisation of AI decisions enable developers and product managers to rapidly pinpoint and address issues related to bias and interpretability. Therefore, integrating comprehensive strategies for reducing bias and improving interpretability is indispensable in fully leveraging the capabilities of AI in these advanced areas, ensuring they positively impact user engagement and satisfaction while maintaining ethical standards.

Validating AI Model Outputs

In the context of validating AI model outputs, data quality directly influences the accuracy and trustworthiness of the model’s predictions or classifications. Poor data quality, characterised by inaccuracies, incompleteness, or bias, can lead to misleading results that may go undetected during testing. To address these challenges, ML-Ops introduces:

3. Understand Product Analytics

Overview of Product Analytics

In the last few decades, product analytics has become instrumental in enabling companies to make informed decisions based on user-centric data and empirical evidence. It provides a means to measure the effectiveness of features, track user engagement, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately drive product innovation. With the increasing focus on user experience and personalisation, product analytics plays a crucial role in understanding user needs and preferences, which in turn guides the optimisation of product design and functionality.

Here’s a list of key features commonly found in product analytics tools:

Each of these features contributes to a deeper understanding of how users interact with products, providing actionable insights that can help enhance user experience, drive engagement, and increase profitability.

Importance of Measuring AI Products in Product Analytics

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to play a significant role in shaping the future of digital products, measuring the performance and impact of AI products through product analytics is crucial. Measuring AI products using product analytics helps organisations understand the effectiveness of AI implementations, optimise algorithms, and enhance user experiences.

Here are the benefits of product analytics on AI products as highlighted in the provided text:

These benefits collectively contribute to enhancing the effectiveness and trustworthiness of AI products, leading to better user experiences and more successful business outcomes.

4. Challenges of Product Analytics in Measuring AI Products

Product analytics, as previously discussed, mainly focuses on analysing user interactions using data analytics and predictive tools on the client side. In contrast, ML-Ops is typically implemented on the backend to monitor AI behaviour. As AI becomes increasingly integral to existing workflows, there is a growing need for a more comprehensive analytics system capable of analysing and correlating both human and AI behaviours. Let’s explore the various challenges involved in conducting analytics on AI-driven products.

Data Collection and Analysis

One of the primary challenges lies in defining relevant metrics and KPIs for AI-driven products. Unlike traditional software applications, AI products often operate in complex and dynamic environments, making it challenging to identify meaningful metrics that accurately reflect user engagement, satisfaction, and overall product performance. Navigating this ambiguity requires a deep understanding of both the technical capabilities of AI algorithms and the specific user behaviours and objectives that the product aims to address.

Another significant challenge is interpreting and extracting actionable insights from the complex and unstructured data generated by AI products. Unlike traditional analytics tools that primarily deal with structured data, AI systems often produce diverse data types, such as text, images, or sensor readings. As a product manager with expertise in UX, leveraging advanced analytics techniques, such as natural language processing or computer vision, can help uncover valuable insights into user behaviours, preferences, and sentiments. However, effectively translating these insights into actionable product enhancements requires close collaboration with cross-functional teams, including designers, engineers, and marketers.

Interpretation of AI-generated Insights

A key challenge is the interpretation and contextualisation of insights produced by AI algorithms. AI systems frequently yield complex, unstructured insights such as user behaviour patterns, sentiment analysis, or predictive recommendations, unlike traditional analytics tools that offer structured data and clear metrics. Transforming these insights into practical strategies demands a thorough comprehension of the technical workings of AI algorithms as well as a keen insight into the specific needs and goals of users that the product is designed to meet.

Furthermore, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of AI-generated insights is crucial for making informed product decisions. AI models rely heavily on training data to learn and make predictions effectively. However, biases in the training data or algorithmic errors can lead to inaccurate or misleading insights. As a product manager and developer, collaborating closely with data scientists and analysts to validate and verify the accuracy of AI-generated insights is essential to ensure the integrity and credibility of the analytics process.

Another significant challenge is communicating AI-generated insights effectively to stakeholders across the organisation. As AI systems often operate as “black boxes,” understanding how the algorithms arrive at their conclusions can be challenging for non-technical stakeholders. Simplifying complex technical concepts and presenting insights in a clear and intuitive manner is essential for driving alignment and decision-making across cross-functional teams.

Moreover, addressing privacy and ethical considerations is crucial when interpreting AI-generated insights. As AI systems increasingly process sensitive personal information, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and ethical standards is essential. As a product manager and developer, advocating for responsible data practices and transparent communication about how user data is collected, processed, and utilised can help build trust with users and mitigate potential risks associated with data misuse or exploitation.

Lack of Standard Metrics for AI Products

One of the reasons for the lack of standard metrics is the diverse nature of AI applications and use cases. AI products encompass a wide range of applications, including natural language processing, computer vision, and predictive analytics, each with its own unique objectives and success criteria. As a result, defining standardised metrics that apply across all AI products becomes challenging, as the metrics must be tailored to the specific context and goals of each application.

Another challenge is the dynamic nature of AI systems and their ability to adapt and learn over time. Unlike traditional software products that may have static features and functionalities, AI products evolve continuously as they learn from new data and user interactions. This dynamic nature makes it challenging to establish fixed metrics, as the performance of AI systems may vary depending on factors such as data quality, model accuracy, and algorithmic biases.

Additionally, the interdisciplinary nature of AI products further complicates the definition of standard metrics. AI solutions often require collaboration between data scientists, engineers, designers, and domain experts, each bringing their own perspectives and priorities to the table. As a result, establishing consensus on which metrics are most relevant and meaningful for measuring product success can be challenging, as stakeholders may have differing opinions on what constitutes success.

5. Case Study — Chatbots in Healthcare

UX Characteristics of Chatbots in Healthcare

  1. Accessibility: Healthcare chatbots are designed to be highly accessible, offering patients 24/7 interaction capabilities. This is crucial in healthcare, where timely advice can significantly impact patient outcomes. Text and voice modalities ensure that services are available to a wide range of users, including those with disabilities such as visual impairments or dexterity issues.

  2. Personalisation: Effective healthcare chatbots leverage AI to offer personalised interactions. They can tailor responses based on the patient’s medical history, preferences, and past interactions. This customization enhances the user experience by making interactions feel more relevant and engaging, thereby increasing user trust and satisfaction.

  3. Responsiveness: In the healthcare domain, the responsiveness of a chatbot is critical. These systems are designed to provide quick replies to inquiries, which is vital in situations where health advice is urgently needed. The ability to process and respond to queries efficiently can alleviate user anxiety and improve the overall effectiveness of medical consultations.

  4. Privacy and Security: Given the sensitivity of medical information, healthcare chatbots must adhere to stringent privacy and security standards, such as HIPAA in the United States. Users need to trust that their conversations are private and that their data is handled with the utmost security.

  5. Usability: Healthcare chatbots must have a simple and intuitive interface that can be easily navigated by users of all ages and tech-savviness levels. This is particularly important in healthcare, where a wide demographic, including elderly users, might interact with the AI.

Product Analytics Challenges in Healthcare Chatbots

  1. Data Sensitivity and Privacy: One of the primary challenges in analysing healthcare chatbot interactions is maintaining patient confidentiality and data security. Analysing sensitive data requires robust anonymisation techniques and secure data handling practices to prevent any potential data breaches.

  2. Handling Varying Data Quality: Data collected from user interactions with chatbots can vary significantly in quality. Patients may use colloquial language, medical jargon, or have varying levels of completeness in their messages. Ensuring the chatbot can understand and analyse such diverse inputs accurately is a substantial challenge.

  3. Multimodal Interaction Analysis: With both textual and voice interactions, capturing and analysing these different data types presents unique challenges. Voice interactions, for example, require speech recognition and sentiment analysis to understand not just the content but also the user’s emotional state, which can be critical in healthcare settings.

  4. Measurement of User Engagement and Satisfaction: Determining what metrics effectively measure user engagement and satisfaction in the context of a healthcare chatbot can be complex. Traditional metrics like session length or number of interactions might not accurately reflect success in a healthcare context, where a shorter, efficient interaction could be more desirable.

  5. Scalability of Analysis: As the adoption of healthcare chatbots grows, the amount of data generated increases exponentially. Ensuring the analytics systems can scale to handle large volumes of interactions without compromising performance or speed is crucial.

  6. Integration with Other Health Systems: Chatbots often need to integrate with other healthcare systems (e.g., electronic health records, appointment scheduling systems). This integration introduces complexity in maintaining data consistency across systems and ensuring that analytics insights are reflective of the broader healthcare context.


Recap of Key Challenges

The Future of Product Analytics in Measuring AI Products

Addressing the outlined challenges in product analytics for AI-driven products will be pivotal as we continue to integrate artificial intelligence into an expanding range of applications and industries. Future developments should focus on refining data analytics frameworks to better handle the complexities of AI outputs and user interactions. Enhanced methodologies for defining relevant metrics that accurately reflect dynamic AI environments and user behaviours will be essential. This will involve developing more sophisticated tools for data processing and analysis that can adapt to the unique demands of AI systems.

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