Astronaut in the air

Cheaper, Faster AI Application

Whether you are building Agentic Workflow or chatbot, AGIFlow's tracing and visualisation can help to reduce halluciation, optimise LLM cost and improve API speed.

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Struggling with LLM bills and slow product?

We understand the struggle. After our initial product launch, our cloud credits quickly dwindled, and user churn increased due to a sluggish backend.

Costly LLM Calls

Are your LLM prompts optimized? How can you ensure your agents aren't making unnecessary calls that drive up your bills?

Slow API Responses

Is customer churn rising because of slow LLM performance? Do you have a clear strategy to reduce latency and improve response times?

Excessive Hallucinations

Suspect your LLM calls are producing hallucinations but can't seem to fix it? You're not alone.

We're here to help

Agiflow offers comprehensive AI-Ops solution that reduces debugging time for developers, simplifies AI workflows for business understanding, and ensures all risks are identified and monitored.

Automatic Logging & Traces

AGIFlow leverages the capabilities of OpenTelemetry, an open-source observability framework, to seamlessly gather detailed traces of the system's operations.

We then aggregates and analyses these traces to give you a clear and complete understanding of how your LLM (Language Learning Model) processes and responds to user inputs. This detailed insight helps identify and resolve issues, optimise performance, and enhance the overall user experience.

Astronaut in the air

Fastest Debugging Experience

AGIFlow enhances your development process for both co-pilot and autonomous AI agents by recording workflow executions and presenting them visually.

This visual representation makes it easier to understand and debug the workflow, allowing you to quickly identify and resolve issues.

Astronaut in the air

Effortless evaluation

By enabling the AGIFlow plugin, you can easily track and assess critical issues such as hallucinations, toxicity, and bias in your Language Learning Models (LLMs).

This tool works with multiple models, providing a streamlined way to identify and address these problems, ensuring your AI behaves as intended and aligns with ethical standards.

Astronaut in the air

Faster QA and Feedback Loop

AGIFlow offers a dashboard and an embeddable widget that present LLM (Language Learning Model) and Agentic workflows in an intuitive and accessible way.

This enables QA (Quality Assurance) and business experts to quickly grasp how these workflows operate. By understanding the workflows more easily, they can offer valuable feedback in real time, leading to faster identification of issues and more efficient improvements.

Astronaut in the air

And much more...

Boost your product team's productivity and reduce training time with a comprehensive AI toolkit

Prompt Management

AGIFlow's prompt directory allows you to easily test, benchmark, and version control multiple prompts. Utilize our codegen to synchronize prompts stored in AGIFlow with your source code, enabling continuous monitoring and A/B testing.

LLM Registry

Given the current state of LLMs, you will likely need to use models from different providers or train your own. The LLM registry enables seamless storage and retrieval of LLM models, allowing you to combine them with prompts for benchmarking, testing, and monitoring production effectiveness.

Datasets Curation

Data is the most valuable asset in your AI workflow. With AGIFlow's dataset registry, you can easily manage various datasets and curate them with production data from user interactions. By combining this with prompts and LLM registries, you can seamlessly experiment and ensure that any new changes work correctly in production.

Get In Touch

We understand the importance of data ownership and your organization's security concerns. AGIFlow offers a self-hosting option and enterprise support for advanced usage. Please feel free to reach out to us with any inquiries.